Saturday, December 31, 2011

The blessings just keep coming......

Visited "Hollywood Casino" last nite. First time ever. put $20 in the $1 slot machine ..played it 7 times and won $913.


Boy did I need this
I left shortly after that.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Resident of the month"

A great way to end the year.......

"Happy New year"

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Santa really did show up after all

Merry Christmas 2012 style!

Friday, December 23, 2011

WOW!!!!what just happened.....

some might say 2011 was a challenging year.....

Lakota Springs to Lakota Lake

2 Catarac surgeries one week apart...please

Open Heart Quintuple bypass (that's 5) surgery

But I say 2011 was a true blessing!

nuff said!

happy new year

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Safe travels Jace........

Jace had court today. first let me say he had 2 different court times...he missed the first one 8AM and the second one 12noon was changed to 1PM so needless to say I was doing a lot of unnecessary driving around the West Chester area. Finally the 1PM court starts and we sit and sit and sit and sit and sit through who knows how many domestic violence cases...OMG it was crazy...just like "Judge Judy"
Well at 3:30 he still had not been called so I left to go feed Ollie and Jr. By the time I had returned he was finished...with a fairly positive outcome...lucky DOG!
His charge was driving with a suspended Ohio license and no insurance papers in the car. Well before I left I gave him the proof of insurance and he got off with a fine of court cost and a minimum charge for no license which he has until Feb to pay...Oh yea he must return again in Feb to validate the payment has been made.
All in all he skated by pretty easy although he has to come up with a total of about $300 bucks.
He departs again Weds AM...I'm sure I will see him sooner than later

safe travels Prodigal son!

back to


Monday, December 12, 2011

Jace back again.....

Well he's back again...Court date tomorrow Tues 9Am....Somehow , someway he's been back to Cincy 3 times in the last month...that's a record. Each time he has spent lots of time with Alex and Payton, each time he has spent lots of time with a variety of Bengal fanatical friends, each time he has attended Crossroads with me...bringing the boys along, each time he has used every bit of gas in my vehicle but this last time he at least donated gas money. Each time he somehow manages to stay with a variety of friends allowing me my time and space. He has a key so he goes and comes as he pleases. The dogs like having him around, the boys like having him around and I like having him around especially when he stays with friends and gives me gas money. All in all I can see a maturing in him over the years if I look really really hard...hes definitely not the norm and as KK would say has away of raising one's stress level ...but as my kids go I really really lucked out with Jaman as a first. Jason as a second and KK bringing up the rear. Which by the way is a whole nother story. KK's rear I mean...I dont think she even owns ONE pair of baggy jeans geeze.

I cant forget my little priness....who will steal the show least her pants are still baggy
Thank GOD!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

7 weeks since surgery ....Back at it....

Started back yesterday part time doing some small light deliveries.....Im going crazy doing nothing but eating veggies , fruit ,yogurt and treadmilling it 3 times a week for 30 minutes

cmon guys!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Forget the tree...less is better

My "Christmas Korner" is soooooo much easierAlign Center

its my new tradition!

5th year running..

less hassle, less lights, less needles, less storage, less space

and oh yea

less presents!


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Drama always finds a way

to find my youngest Jace....

He's been here for approx 1 week just 1 week...had my vehicle every day & night. All has been pretty good until he gets pulled over heading to the Bengals game today. Reason...Windows tinted too dark( that's not his fault but hey it goes with the territory)..cops run his license and find that he did not reinstate or something awhile back( geeze Five-O he hasn't lived here for 6+years) nevertheless he gets a summons to return to court on Dec 13th,fat chance that will happen and also another minor misdemeanor warning. He couldn't find the auto insurance papers in the car...No sweat they were there he just could not find them. They also searched my car West Chester Five-O must be having really slow times...they had to have seen my car in West Chester 1000 times over the past 10 yrs( at Walmart, Frisch's, Waffle House, Tomahawk games, PNC Bank, 5 guys, Target, Big Lots, Kroger's etc)never once have they stopped me.
At least Alex and Payton had a great time all week seeing their dad.
Well he departs Monday or Tuesday..I doubt he will be back for a while. better reinstate that license just in case Jace...You're lucky they let you go and I'm lucky they did not impound my ride.

God is good!


Saturday, November 26, 2011


These were taken Friday Nov 26 2011 Sharon Woods "Festival of Lights"
I predict Alex will be taller than his dad and as for Payton well......well....he will be better looking
Looking at these pics ...the boys look like perfect angels!



They are workin their charm for Christmas gifts.

Nice try Burtonboyz nice try

Thursday, November 24, 2011

A Soulful Thanksgiving

Check Spelling
A Thanksgiving first...Jason, Alex and Payton joined me at Julia's Soul Food Resturant for Thanksgiving...They all had a soulful Thanksgiving buffet complete with turkey,ham, mac-n-cheese, yams, collard greens ,corn, green beans and sweet potatoe pie..I on the othert hand had Chitterlings and cole slaw. The crew would have nothing to do with that they tried to taste them but they all acted as if they would throw up...expecially Alex and Jason they could not get passed the smell is what they I laughed and ate to my hearts content in a blissful solitude. After Julia's we all went to see "Puss-N-Boots"...It was great fun until we arrived did not take 3 minutes and Alex and Payton were fighting over some friggin Legos...I was fed up so I simply said "enough of this I bought the Legos and I can throw them away if you guys cant learn to share" Sometimes they are so extremely selfish I can not believe it....They seem to fight constantly over silly things....Alex is old enough to know better and Payton is simply a cry baby...

But all in all it was a great Thanksgiving....and lots to be thankful for! Amen

Oh yea

The Legos got thrown away

Friday, November 18, 2011

29 days

Yesssssssssss...The REP IS BACK TO WORK!!

Today I had my very first High school spirit wear appointment since my Heart Attack...I'm back on the grind less than one month out of surgery...exactly 29 days to be precise. Don't worry I'm taking it easy. All my samples are packed in my sample case which has I'm not really lifting anything...not much anyway....I'm walking slower. .talking slower......I'm even driving slower...but I'm back ...that's all that really matters
each day I'm getting stronger.


Iverson in the House

When I was released from the hospital I left with aprox 11 drug perscriptions ...uuugghhhh
each week the Doctor has gradually taken me off these to where Im currently only taking


Hey that's Allen Iverson's #


Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Rehab session #2

Today I skated through session #2 Cardiac Rehab...I'm sure the nurses and instructors are on to me so I'm sure session #3 will be a real treat.
between you and I
I'm really doing exactly as they ask
"no more and no less"


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Exactly 1 month ago....Oct 15 2011

Heart Attack!

It seems like it was just yesterday...

This month has been a blurrrr


Thank You


Monday, November 14, 2011

Milestone #4 Cardiac rehab begins..

Guess what? ...I brought my camera...

Rehab will be 3 days per week for about 12 weeks. Each session last about 1 hr
10 min warm up
30 min assorted exercise..treadmills, bikes, weights
10 min cool down
10-15 min education

The first thing I noticed when I stepped into the joint was how OLD everyone looked I felt really really out of place...but as the hr passed I met quite a few nice people with amazing stories.....
most of the folks there have been attending for years,...that's right I said it YEARS! Primarily they come as a ritual and a perfect outlet for them to do some form of exercise...if they did not come there they would do nothing...its a very light and energetic group of old geezers and I fit right in.
The rehab itself was not really that challenging but I think the nurses are wise to me and they plan on pushing me harder each visit...they claimed I did not even break a sweat. Unfortunately that will change I'm sorry to say.

On the way home I stopped by Terri's and picked up Gabbi to come hang out with Ollie and Jr
I walked all 3 of them and enjoyed just watching them run around at the "Bark Park"

Its the little things that matter
even though Gabbi is a really really Fat little thing


Sunday, November 13, 2011

Milestone #3

Conquered another mile around the lake with Ollie and Jr today. It seemed easier but I cant be sure, maybe just in my for sure was not harder. It was a good day to walk about 60 degrees and slightly windy.
sorry no time...Cardiac Rehab starts tomorrow.......... hallelujah

stay tuned

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Milestone da left to da left

To da right to da right now bounce baby bounce....bounce baby bounce!

You guessed it I was out line dancing last night...don't worry blog followers I did not over do it.
I dance about 4 songs straight rested and danced about 4 felt good especially being able to remember the steps...and I did not get winded.
What felt best of all was the heart felt embracing I received from my night club friends. Most of which I had to inform about my situation They were shocked to say the least. But to my surprise quite a few that knew due to "Facebook"
I never knew that many people cared or at least they acted like they did
It felt really nice.....
I only stayed about 90 min or so then I quietly scooted out and headed home. Ollie and Jr needed to go out.
Get this ! On my way home I drove right by Waffle House and White Castle ...didn't even have the desire

That's amazing

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Road to recovery milestone #1

The dogs and I walked a mile today...YESSSSSSSSSS....Dont be fooled by this pic they couldve kept walking...But I just didnt wanna push it!
Cardiac Rehab starts Monday
stay tuned......


nuff said!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011



Just left my first Doctors' appointment since being released from the hospital and my progress report card per the Doc was A+
KK is my witness..honest

They took me off a ton of meds, said my progress was excellent, and most of all CLEARED ME TO DRIVE!
No more captive in my own home, no more walking to Walmart or PNC bank...Im finally FREE

and Im gonna be heading to the movies...imagine that.

Thank You God! Thank You

Monday, November 7, 2011


Long time no blog people...I'm back ..sit back and check this out! Theses pics will make sense I promise

For the past several months I had been having trouble seeing at night..I attributed to old age and thought nothing of it but it progressively got worse so I decided to look into it. I went to Walmart eye care center and the Doc informed me that I had early stages of juvenille fast progressing cataracs.....I was floored.
I contacted CEI Cinti Eye Institute and long story short on Oct 5 I had a successful left eye surgery
On Oct 12 I had a successful right eye surgery
Now I was seeing better than ever both eyes 20/15 vision...I actually thought I could see through people ..Ha Ha I really can but that has nothing to do with my eye sight...
Let me continue......

Oct 14 Friday after a long day of driving all over the place I was feeling unusually very tired and fatigued so as a cool down I went and picked up Alex ,Payton and Simon took them to the movie to see Reel Steel ...this way I could actually rest and regroup my fatigue feeling.
No such luck after the movie I dropped them home and went home to sleep...I was really tired. Vowing that if I did not feel better Sat I would drive to Urgent Care since I have no personal Doctor
Oct 15 Sat ...10 AM I sort and do 2 loads of laundry , while the laundry is going I go buy Sweetest day cards/flowers for Terri and KK, and then I go get my Oil changed...I had completely forgotten about Urgent Care and my fatigue feeling...Its now about 3PM so I head home to prepare for Crossroads 4:30 service.
I get home and I am absolutely exhausted so much so that I decide not to go to church and decide to drive myself to West Chester Emergency (thinking Im having aan alergic reaction to some eye medicine or something) Once I get to West Chester ER they check my vitals and decide not to allow me to leave....WHAT!!! I CANT LEAVE!!!! WHY?
They said I had a heart attack ! WHAT? WHEN? HOW?
They were not sure but it either happened Thursday, Friday or Sat... I called Terri/KK and they were on their way to meet me. KK came in balling like a baby Terri on the other hand was as stoic as the rock of Gibraltar.."whats up with that T?"
The Doctor stuck a probe up my groin only to find out that the blockage was too extensive to stint so he made the decision to send me to Christ Hospital for OPEN HEART SURGERY..............I sat up and said R U FRIGGIN SHITTING ME?
one question Doc" Can I ride down in a Helicopter?'
"That's not my call Sir we will see"
Ambulance came rushed me to Christ hospital...I was giving the driver directions on the way down and he responded "sir I know where Im going thank you"
Oct 19 Weds 7am -12noon Successful surgery performed 5 by passes
Oct 23 Sat Released from hospital to caregivers Terri and KK
Oct 25 Went to see "Footloose" alone
Oct 30 Attended Crossroads
Oct 31 Halloween left Terri and KK to head to my own place to be with Jr and Ollie they needed me
Nov 5 Attended Crossroads
Nov 6 Out and about walking with Jr and Ollie mending right on schedule
Still not allowed to drive yet but hopefully very soon

Terri and KK have been true Saints through out this entire ordeal...Lord knows Im not the easiest to deal with

one more thing no time during all of this did I feel an ounce of pain, at no time during all of this did I feel any worries or fear. God stepped in when he prompted me to drive myself to West Chester ER


Hey folks it simply was not my time.

Saturday, August 13, 2011

KK's first night out

Here is my baby girl out with her co workers

She was seated in the VIP section of the night club most of the nite

she started the night drinking Crown royal and coke yuckkkkkkkk!

and ended drinking vodka and cranberry

now that's more her style

check her out lookin all grownup and stuff

Sunday, July 31, 2011

My new favorite tee

From my favorite grand daughter

kids now a days
are really smart

no what Im sayin

Jayda's one day visit

Jayda's visit was much too short....hurry back Jayda girl we miss you already

Sorry not may pics I was too busy holding my new favorite Burton Babe

shes walking and talking and dancing like a champ

but she's growing much too fast

come back soon



Friday, June 17, 2011

Gotta love them Burton Boyz........

I just received this card in the mail

No doubt it was Payton's idea....Alex just didnt wanna be left out

but hey It still touches my heart

They were even 2 days early

whats up with that?

Like the title says

Gotta love them Burton Boyz.............

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Team 4 nostalgic Summer Pool party

It was a great pool party at the Babers

all of the Tomahawks Team 4 families were reunited

tons of fun all evening

Payton and Luke conversating about nothing

Young boys texting ...girls no doubt

Alex performing weird slides

Alex performing weird dives

Payton holding court

Terri urging Kim Hollon to perform

Terri performing

Becca and KK performing
