Monday, December 12, 2011

Jace back again.....

Well he's back again...Court date tomorrow Tues 9Am....Somehow , someway he's been back to Cincy 3 times in the last month...that's a record. Each time he has spent lots of time with Alex and Payton, each time he has spent lots of time with a variety of Bengal fanatical friends, each time he has attended Crossroads with me...bringing the boys along, each time he has used every bit of gas in my vehicle but this last time he at least donated gas money. Each time he somehow manages to stay with a variety of friends allowing me my time and space. He has a key so he goes and comes as he pleases. The dogs like having him around, the boys like having him around and I like having him around especially when he stays with friends and gives me gas money. All in all I can see a maturing in him over the years if I look really really hard...hes definitely not the norm and as KK would say has away of raising one's stress level ...but as my kids go I really really lucked out with Jaman as a first. Jason as a second and KK bringing up the rear. Which by the way is a whole nother story. KK's rear I mean...I dont think she even owns ONE pair of baggy jeans geeze.

I cant forget my little priness....who will steal the show least her pants are still baggy
Thank GOD!

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