Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Bengal fans.....Im not sure why!

Jason,Mary, Alex and Payton
Pictured here over 1 month ago attending a Bengals game. when Jace was home
I think they lost
Sorry for the delayed post but I just got this picture!
Is he showng off these tickets are tryin to sale them!

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Santa comes through......again

for Grandma Terri...( and KK too)
Its the Amazing ROBO STIR....
Now KK no longer has to stir the mashed potatoes, chili, or tortellini stew
she can stay plopped down on the sofa watching her favorite Housewives episode
While Terri is preparing the rest of the meal.
Merry Christmas Burtongirlz

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas at grandpa's starts with my favorite personal toy of 2010
These I got for myself
"Singa ma gigs"
my goal is to collect all 13 of them

Alex gets a Patriots nurf football

Payton gets a lego airport

Alex gets "Pictureuka" a great family game

Payton wanted a hamster , Santa got him a hamster starter kit and a gift card so he's got all he mom just has to go get the little furry rodent
that will stay at Payton's house not at grandpa's

Alex wanted an $200 IPOD
he got Madden 2011 for $49
and he's still all smiles.....
oh by the way..
This hamster pic was found in Payton's stocking

Santa always thinks of everything.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Grandpa's Christmas gift logic....

I had to share this story for this Christmas season. Alex has been hinting ,begging and eluding to what he wants for Xmas ...this is a normal 11 yr old kid's manipulating request...EXCEPT He has no clue on who he is trying to manipulate ........somewhere along the line hes' got it twisted!


Alex:"Grandpa all I want for Christmas is an IPOD TOUCH it only cost $200 ,me and mom looked it up online...that's all I really want"

Me:Oh is that all....well( without missing a beat I say )hey isn't math your favorite subject?"

Alex:yep I'm good at math"

Me:can an IPOD touch be helpful with math"

Alex:I think so it can do almost anything online , music, pictures, games"

Me: OK I have a math equation for you ...grab that pen and paper and add these numbers"

" it cost me $10 per trip every time I take u to and from practice including a fast food snack multiply that times an average 5 days /week equals how much per month?"

Alex: $200 per month

Me: what about per year?

Alex: $2400 per year

Me: how many years have we been involved in sports?

Alex: 3 yrs ( Football, Basketball Lacrosse and wrestling

Me: whats that total up to?

Alex:$7200 for 3 years

Me: that does not include the cost of the sport which can be about $500 per year ..... that's just driving back and forth and snacks...

I could continue but I felt myself starting to lecture so I simply say..."that's equal to about 36 IPOD TOUCHES and you dont even have to thank me"

( Alex did not say one word!)

Parents, grandparents feel free to use my story at anytime.

Happy Holidays

Here is the Pic Alex , Payton and I posed for at the Crossroads Awaited show....
It was kind of last minute but we pulled it off ...heck its almost impossible to take a bad pic with Alex and Payton...just say cheese and they seem to turn on that

"Burton charm"

Its really scary at such a young age

Happy Holidays to all Friends and especially our family...Hope you have a safe one

Blogging will be slightly more random going forward ,Its not quite as interesting with Tomahawk football a distant memory.......... even though Alex is in basketball ( losing team, no victories and no practicing which happens to be a sharp contrast from his outstanding football team
Plus on top of all that absolutely no Steph "mom" support,,,NONE!)

We will re group and possibly catch fire with the upcoming Lacrosse Winter/spring season

Emphasis on possibly

Lacrosse could actually be Alex's best sport..

at least Alex will tell you that

As a life long blog master I'm sure another saga will shortly emerge

stay tuned..


Saturday, December 18, 2010

Awaited 2010 at Crossroads....

Sorry This was the only pic I was able to snap of the early Crossroads Awaited crowd it was later jammed packed with hands were full carrying hot chocolate , cookies, popcorn and coats.
Here's Payton preparing to drink one of his 4"Free hot chocolates with marsh mellows" prior to attending the annual "Crossroads Awaited Christmas show"
He then proceeds to burn all of his energy an free time at the amazing Kids Club Playground...

He has no problem making new friends any where he goes

He is a curious sort of kid.....

Alex on the other hand was off getting free popcorn and chose not to be pictured.
I think he was checking out some of the girls on the sly
KK and Terri showed up just in time to be seated
the show was fabulous!
and the boys were great.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Lets check in on Jayda

Some strange things are happening in St Charles Missouri..
that can not be blamed solely on Halloween
This is cute and totally adorable

This is demonic and cult like

and this is just simply WRONG!


someone help this family please!
At least Barney the purple talking dinosaur, Teenage Ninja turtles that fight for justice and Spongebob that lives in a pineapple in the ocean are believable
what the heck is a

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Payton's Xmas list for Santa.......OMG

Here is Payton at Easter...I know it has nothing to do with Xmas but it shows the masterful charm
OK here we go
This is Payton's 3 page Xmas list for Santa...somehow it gets mailed to grandpas house
just try to decipher this

Back in the day wasn't this list simply left on the table right before we went to bed.....
gotta love grand kids

especially cute charming ones


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Team 4 players revenge.....brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr,,,,,Its been real!

The coaches had made a promise to the boys in the beginning of the year that if they won the 2010 league championship game they would allow the boys to take charge and put "them" the coaches through a grueling practice! Even though the season has ended and equipment has been turned in...the boys didn't forget that promise and on this coldest first snow day of 2010 brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr the coaches being honest forth right souls, honored their promise....below are the pics to prove it!Boy what a sight to see..........................

Im gonna miss all you guys..
Its been real!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jayda learns fast

"oooooooooohhhhhhhh............hey Jayda can u do this?"
" I'll try"

Pack it up one last time.....Done

It's time for our last equipment turn in
"grampa I wont need this anymore"

This is really hard...... 3 years later no more Tomahawk Team 4 football


Monday, November 22, 2010

Team 4 saga ends...

"got something to say"

"I didnt think so"

Terri KK Tennessee

The camera always manages to find them
Hey guys its the south...its not that cold
(kk's new favorite saying)

Tennessee pics

Much thanks to Melvin for some great action pictures...lucky for me blog followers my camera was in my pocket most of the games due to me working the field chains
Mel and family drove up from Atlanta just to see his Grand-nephew Alex play
just another testament to the power of family

Alex pictured here having his thumb injury looked at.
It was such a BIG DEAL you wouldve thought his hand was being amputated.

We were Victorious against the Maryland Hurricanes