Saturday, July 10, 2010

Meet and Greet Tomahawk Football nite

Why this pic you ask? Its a Burtonboyz football blog....well
The meet and greet Football Party was a success as always. Most of all the existing parents were there along with a few new families. I arrived a tad late and Alex and payton were already there in the pool, they were in the pool most of the nite with all the other 20+ boys. Stephanie also showed up ...which made Alex proud...he loves for mom to be involved. Terri and Caitlin showed up with some amazing Mexican salsa....which I left with at the end of the night.

I must apologize for no party pictures ,I forgot my camera primarily because my mind was off kilter a bit...reason...I ran out of gas on I-75 on my way to the event. Terri , KK and gabbi came to my rescue with a container of is a good thing ,trust me and close family is a great thing.

The best news of the night other than being rescued on I-75 and a successful meet and greet party is that KK informed me that she made the Deans List once again...GPA 3.6 that's like 8 or 9 times in a row. since she started College

Makes me a real proud there ya go that's why the picture ...looks and brains all in 1 package....
I used to think Terri and I did good but after some serious thought I now have to say that I believe KK gets most of her attributes from

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