Friday, June 4, 2010

Alex's Last day of school

Today's is the day ....The day Alex has been waiting for...the last day of school.His 5th grade year seemed to fly by . Now he's on his way to 6th grade. last year of the dreaded elementary label...moving ever closer to the BIG TIME JR HIGHER...

Its been a real treat watching him grow over these last few years. Although Ive give him a small break these past few weeks from sports so that he doesn't get to burnt out...Its time to start getting our heads back into football mentality..which not only is challenging for Alex but I also have to redirect my focus....Its not about Alex all the time even though it seems like it. You know there's Payton who also is getting older and assuming grandpa is gonna get him involved in all the same sports as his big Bruh...fat chance..but maybe,we'll see. And then there's KK....every one's fav..even on Facebook as she secretly patrols the profiles and walls of everybody she knows going undetected behind the scenes. Shes every mom's dream and every dad's nightmare smart ,nice figure, nice personality, christian, spoiled, high maintenance, drama queen, cutie pie. So as I was saying I must redirect my focus also and as I'm redirecting and putting on my Christian armour this past Weds at Bible study I return home to a dark house with partial power,apparently recently hit by lightning, freaked out dogs including Gabbi who visiting the big dogs at the time ,......yep I said it fires or sparks just a silent destroyer...kind of like KK on Facebook, anyway final the damages were I lost a TV which was 20 years old anyway, a new DVR which I never watched, a Garage door opener, which forced me to lift in myself and I still can, a brand new WII console which in itself is pointless I can use Terri's, a soft ocean sound alarm clock that was a tad disturbing because I could never quite figure it out The seaside ocean sounded like a storm and the rain forest sounded like a hurricane, a fax machine which I desperately needed for work but have managed a way around that and an intercom system which will force me to turn up my stereo louder if I wanna hear it through the entire house. Other than that I'm golden.

Like I said I also have to redirect and what's important

"THE BURTONBOYZ which is Alex

The more being KK of course

Doesn't get much better


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