Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Idle time is a Devils workshop"

"What now" you say s o Lacrosse is over and its not even been a week yet....

I get a call today from Alex's teacher...seems as though my oldest grandson and buddies were at the school after hrs maybe attending a soccer game, maybe playing basketball, or maybe just hanging out..nevertheless his teacher happened to still be there and notice them lurking around...after some investigation she also noticed a number of stacked cinder blocks in front of a portapotty's door.

Well u guessed of their friends was inside handling his business while Alex and crew were plotting who knows what.

The plan was foiled and the kid released unharmed...

but just the thought of being trapped inside...alone at night...on a lonely school playground is a tad intimidating not to mention if their plan was attempt to tip it over.

Thus my title to today's Blog..

Football hurry pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!


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