Picked up Alex.....(and Payton) at 7:30 am for the 9am practice...they were both fast asleep.
Alex woke up easy and was ready to go...Payton was tired and slow.
We came back to my place for
pop tarts and juice and proceeded to practice.
Temp...75 degrees and very very sunny
I carried a lawn chair for Payton....Alex ran onto the field with a new friend he met named Drake
(another 1st year boy)
The team stretched, ran , stretched again, and then began tackling and hitting. They quickly split up into teams and started learning offensives plays and defensive plays.
Alex started out as a linebacker and then switched to offensive guard.
He made some pretty good blocks...and hits
In the
meantime Payton was talking and playing with a 13 yr old girl he met named
Shannon..which happens to be Drake's sister. After annoying her for the first hour I decided to take him to go pee in the woods and give her a break
He only sat in the lawn chair for maybe 30 minutes
Practice ended ..Alex and another boy had to do up/downs( kind of like running in place and falling over and over) for not hustling at one point in practice as punishment.
As a treat we went to Cracker barrel for lunch...he and Payton ate everything so I grandpa had to buy them a gift each...Alex got super bubble gum and Payton got a sucker....we all sat in the rocking chairs outside for 15 minutes...then we left heading home and to our regular Sat movies.
We stopped by and saw Terri and
KK at work. Alex sold 2 football team sponsorship tickets at $5 ea...helps his team.
I also told him girls love buys in football uniforms...he grinned.
Note: I was unable to fully appreciate Alex's practice because Payton kept me occupied.
I told Shannon, Payton's new friend to take a picture of him because she may
never see him at practice again.
I'm typing this blog..I hear Alex upstairs teaching Payton football drills and tackling procedures ...They have pillows out and everything( Payton idolizes Alex)........Its real nice to hear .