Tuesday, May 8, 2018


Will I never learn
so one Thursday Im noticing a swelling in my right foot that is not going down.
Since Im pretty aware of my body I decide to call my primary care Dr 
and ask her advice.
She reccomends that I go to the ER to rule out any blood clots
I concurred seeing that i knew this was not due to a sprain or twist
I assumed it was a circulation issue.
I drive myself o the ER explain my case,
I remove my shoe and there is an horrendous odor coming from my foot.
They not being alarmed take a culture of an abrasion that is between my big toe and index toe
on my right foot.
They tell me its best to get me on an  IV antibiotics asap since it will work faster than
any typical oral antibiotics
once again I concurred so they admitted me into the main hospital branch to begin the IV
at this point I said geeezus 
The last ime I was admitted on my own 
I had open heart surgery.
but away I went
like a pig to slaughter.
 I had a very comforatble evening there eating a nice dinner and watching the NBA playoffs
it dont get no better 
IV hooked up fast asleep i dozed
waking up in the morning hungry as hell so I ordered a nice breakfast
but I noticed the odor had somewhat decresaed a tad so things were looking up
so I thought
at that moment my breakfast arrives and the nurse shortly after darts in stating "sir sir 
u are not aloud to eat that breakfast"
I of couse inquired why and was told that a Podiatist ordered aprocedure or something 
and no food intake
All I said get me that podiatist please.
Im starving
1 hr later 
Th podiatrist enters and says this
A bacterial infection has been festering between your toe unknown to you
because of where it was located
it wasn't in site and it wasn't felt when u walked underneath
" we have 2 options regarding your treatment

option 1. we continue the IV antibiotics for 8 weeks and that could POSSIBLY catch the infection
option 2. we cut open the toe see how far he infection is and cut that part of the toe away before it reaches the bone

" and you definitely dont want it to reach the bone...DEFINITELY"

Im speechless to what Ive just heard
dumfounded, confused, and perplexed to say the least
 The doc says 
"you need a minute?'


Podiatrist: great decision sir

Me: "BTM"
Podiatrist: "What's that?"
Me: "Black Toes Matter" 

My life :)

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