Monday, November 7, 2011


Long time no blog people...I'm back ..sit back and check this out! Theses pics will make sense I promise

For the past several months I had been having trouble seeing at night..I attributed to old age and thought nothing of it but it progressively got worse so I decided to look into it. I went to Walmart eye care center and the Doc informed me that I had early stages of juvenille fast progressing cataracs.....I was floored.
I contacted CEI Cinti Eye Institute and long story short on Oct 5 I had a successful left eye surgery
On Oct 12 I had a successful right eye surgery
Now I was seeing better than ever both eyes 20/15 vision...I actually thought I could see through people ..Ha Ha I really can but that has nothing to do with my eye sight...
Let me continue......

Oct 14 Friday after a long day of driving all over the place I was feeling unusually very tired and fatigued so as a cool down I went and picked up Alex ,Payton and Simon took them to the movie to see Reel Steel ...this way I could actually rest and regroup my fatigue feeling.
No such luck after the movie I dropped them home and went home to sleep...I was really tired. Vowing that if I did not feel better Sat I would drive to Urgent Care since I have no personal Doctor
Oct 15 Sat ...10 AM I sort and do 2 loads of laundry , while the laundry is going I go buy Sweetest day cards/flowers for Terri and KK, and then I go get my Oil changed...I had completely forgotten about Urgent Care and my fatigue feeling...Its now about 3PM so I head home to prepare for Crossroads 4:30 service.
I get home and I am absolutely exhausted so much so that I decide not to go to church and decide to drive myself to West Chester Emergency (thinking Im having aan alergic reaction to some eye medicine or something) Once I get to West Chester ER they check my vitals and decide not to allow me to leave....WHAT!!! I CANT LEAVE!!!! WHY?
They said I had a heart attack ! WHAT? WHEN? HOW?
They were not sure but it either happened Thursday, Friday or Sat... I called Terri/KK and they were on their way to meet me. KK came in balling like a baby Terri on the other hand was as stoic as the rock of Gibraltar.."whats up with that T?"
The Doctor stuck a probe up my groin only to find out that the blockage was too extensive to stint so he made the decision to send me to Christ Hospital for OPEN HEART SURGERY..............I sat up and said R U FRIGGIN SHITTING ME?
one question Doc" Can I ride down in a Helicopter?'
"That's not my call Sir we will see"
Ambulance came rushed me to Christ hospital...I was giving the driver directions on the way down and he responded "sir I know where Im going thank you"
Oct 19 Weds 7am -12noon Successful surgery performed 5 by passes
Oct 23 Sat Released from hospital to caregivers Terri and KK
Oct 25 Went to see "Footloose" alone
Oct 30 Attended Crossroads
Oct 31 Halloween left Terri and KK to head to my own place to be with Jr and Ollie they needed me
Nov 5 Attended Crossroads
Nov 6 Out and about walking with Jr and Ollie mending right on schedule
Still not allowed to drive yet but hopefully very soon

Terri and KK have been true Saints through out this entire ordeal...Lord knows Im not the easiest to deal with

one more thing no time during all of this did I feel an ounce of pain, at no time during all of this did I feel any worries or fear. God stepped in when he prompted me to drive myself to West Chester ER


Hey folks it simply was not my time.

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