Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Day 2 practice jerseys

" Its tighter than last year or my muscles are bigger"

and theyre off

gettin ready to jump

Alex encouraging AJ the new BIG guy

Good form Alex

Alex and Jesse headin to practice

Alex was ready again for Football today...he performed really good in all drills and appears to be really comfortable in being a veteran. I see him helping the new kids and encouraging other players quite a bit. Plus in the long run they do every night he placed 8th out of 25 players the first run....and later in the practice he had to do it again and placed 7th out of 25....

The boys were pumped today they got their official practice jerseys Alex is #2 as he has been for the past 2 years. Its better when they have their jerseys this way you can tell them apart by their numbers.

I forgot to mention that he called me early today complaining about how sore his legs were from the previous practice.

"grampa my legs are killing me I can barely walk"
I responded " "go sit in a tub of warm water and you will feel better later today"

He did as I said and felt better for practice.

........grampa's wisdom is BIG TIME scarry.....

Weds they start in full equipment and HITTING...wait and see how he feels Thursday.......I love youth football!

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