Monday, June 14, 2010


We traveled 7hrs south to surprise Melvin for his 50th worked like a charm...he had no idea ,Lisa his wife did a fantastic job keeping it under wraps. All of his ATL friends and a few of his Cinti friends were there. DJ Vic best DJ in Ohio had everyone up and jammin for the entire night with a mix of old school and new school sounds. Everyone danced except KK and her cousin Alexis who both are 20rs old. I think they were intimidated by the precision dance moves that we old geezers were able to do like "The soul train dance line and the running man" It was all good fun except I had to deal with two slight drama Queen attitudes...well one drama queen and one enabler.
KK drama queen always gets her way...controls the ac and car radio even when shes not driving , sitting in the back seat
Terri..the cool,calm,& collected KK side kick who in a roundabout way validates everything her daughter says
I was clearly out numbered , Cant wait till Alex and Payton are teenagers then we males will rule again.
Nevertheless Im still by far the most logical....and rational thinker at least I think so ........I had one major goof

I left my camera in the hotel room and boy did I have some great shots
so stay tuned pics to follow and they will tell the story


1 comment:

Killogram said...

Looks like it was a good time! Sorry that we couldn't make it