Thursday, May 6, 2010

Its starting and Im losing

Well I returned to get Alex from practice early because he had another engagement to attend...Final school year skate party at Skatetown USA.

As we were driving o Skatetown Alex changed clothes in the car and began primping and prepping his look..he even asked me for a comb...."really Alex...I haven't had hair in 100 years and hes asking for a comb" somethings I decide to do the grandpa thing

As we are getting off the exit to go to Skatetown I put him to the ultimate test

"Alex lets you and I go to a movie"Iron Man" instead of you going to Skatetown"

(if I turn left we go to the movie if I turn right he goes to Skatetown)

"nah that's ok grandpa maybe next time turn right"

So here's the deal...Cianna his new girlfriend is going to be at Skatetown.

As we pull up he grabs a breath mint from the dash....gets out of the car and says with a sheepish Alex grin.

"grandpa I might need this"

Its starting

Cianna 1 grandpa 0

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