Friday, May 28, 2010

another Business day at Woodland elmentary 1:30

Alex had another business day at school today....he sold popcorn and little paper airplanes...the halls were filled with kids running around. Alex was forced to stay at his table to serve the underclassmen ...3rd & 4th graders...until 2PM

"Grandpa its boring with these guys they don't have much money..we sell more stuff to the 5th graders"
He only said this because at 2PM he could leave his table and go buy he actually was stating a true statement in a weird 5th grader thinking sort of way.

sorry no pics

8 weeks till football

Sunday, May 23, 2010

9 Sundays left

Now that Lacrosse is over and I have 10 Sundays free until Tomahawks football starts.... what better way for me "The manly man"to spend my first free Sunday?

Legally Blonde the musical at the Aronoft,downtown with KK and Terri....

It was actually a good time and good musical...especially the "bend & snaps or snaps & bends" ..whatever.... u had to be there!

Sunday Free grandpa signing off

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"Idle time is a Devils workshop"

"What now" you say s o Lacrosse is over and its not even been a week yet....

I get a call today from Alex's teacher...seems as though my oldest grandson and buddies were at the school after hrs maybe attending a soccer game, maybe playing basketball, or maybe just hanging out..nevertheless his teacher happened to still be there and notice them lurking around...after some investigation she also noticed a number of stacked cinder blocks in front of a portapotty's door.

Well u guessed of their friends was inside handling his business while Alex and crew were plotting who knows what.

The plan was foiled and the kid released unharmed...

but just the thought of being trapped inside...alone at night...on a lonely school playground is a tad intimidating not to mention if their plan was attempt to tip it over.

Thus my title to today's Blog..

Football hurry pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!


Monday, May 17, 2010

She's one of a kind.......literally

Maybe I cant pick my daughters friends ...but I can sure knock them over!

Spoiled brats

gotta luv them right!

Go Cincinnati and Go Grub pics

Sunday, May 16, 2010

#4 no doubt

Either *1 KK got up too early 7AM on Saturday *2 worked too hard at "Go Cinti", *3 got way too much sun or *4 is deeply swayed by her cousin Mandy ( the other side of the family).

Why else would a perfectly rational person knowingly put a 7 ft snake around her neck and smile.

My vote..*4

"the other side of the family"

nuff said


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Go Grub...May 15

Me and KK sharing a special moment...

"I think I squeezing her too tight for protection.

After all we were in "over the Rhine "duh!

stay tuned...

Sat May 15 Great Day

Alex attended his end of year Lacrosse banquet/picnic...and had a great time with his teammates and little brother payton.

I on the other hand spent the day starting at 7AM with Terri and KK at "GO Cincinnati" a major Crossroads out reach event where 7000 volunteers go throughout Cincinnati doing a variety of service based projects( our project was cleaning a small mission based church in "over the rhine" area of downtown Cincinnati. afterwards we all(7000 volunteers) were treated to free food,drinks and music in a local city park by a number of the top Cincinnati Chefs also volunteering...The eating event was called "Go Grub"

It was a spectacular day and a spectacular event.

Serving others is truely powerful....and fun

Embracing the moment a number of volunteers and towns folk captivated everyone by doing a massive 3 non stop line dance..electric slide..cupid shuffle..etc

Terri struggled through it, I strolled though it, KK watched from afar "oh yea she took pictures"

Great day


hopefully more pics to follow it was a massive event trust me!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Last Lax practice for 2010

Last practice today....rewards end of year banquet on Sat last game on Sunday...........yessssssssssssssssssssssssssss!
60 days till football starts

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Monday Lax practice...perfect

I picked Alex up at 5:15 dropped him at practice...returned 2 hrs later after practice...went to McDonald's....took him home.....and returned home with no stress.

This is the last week of Lacrosse can u believe it already ...I want to make it as stress free as possible...Alex needs a break from sports...I need a break from Alex...
next practice Thursday....End of year picnic is Sat...and last game is Sunday.


Sunday, May 9, 2010

A very COLD Sat......

Lucky Sat AM Lax practice, its was freezing outside...However he did have an afternoon game that his mom was to take him to . ...I had other plans although I did manage to drop off to him all of his Lacrosse gear that was still in my car since his previous practice.
I also made sure, why I dont know ,that he and his mom knew what time his game was............... 4PM.
At 3:30PM on my way to my scheduled event I called Alex to make sure they were on their way to his game.
"grandpa my mom says we wont be at the game cause we are going out for dinner in Kentucky"
I simply replied "ok!"

family is more important than sports I rationalize!

cold winds of change are stirring...

stay tuned


Thursday, May 6, 2010

Its starting and Im losing

Well I returned to get Alex from practice early because he had another engagement to attend...Final school year skate party at Skatetown USA.

As we were driving o Skatetown Alex changed clothes in the car and began primping and prepping his look..he even asked me for a comb...."really Alex...I haven't had hair in 100 years and hes asking for a comb" somethings I decide to do the grandpa thing

As we are getting off the exit to go to Skatetown I put him to the ultimate test

"Alex lets you and I go to a movie"Iron Man" instead of you going to Skatetown"

(if I turn left we go to the movie if I turn right he goes to Skatetown)

"nah that's ok grandpa maybe next time turn right"

So here's the deal...Cianna his new girlfriend is going to be at Skatetown.

As we pull up he grabs a breath mint from the dash....gets out of the car and says with a sheepish Alex grin.

"grandpa I might need this"

Its starting

Cianna 1 grandpa 0

The Secret

Over the past 2 years of following Alex's ups and downs of Youth sports...Football, basketball, wrestling, Lacrosse....I finally found the secret to being positive and not critiquing his every move ,The secret to knowing he's loafing and not hustling on the field , the secret to enjoying those 2 - 3 hour torments, The secret to withstanding the brittle cold, wet rain and scorching sun.
The secret is so simple and in your face I'm surprised it took 2 years to learn.
The secret is "drop him off leave and pick him up after practice"
This way I don't see anything that happens...
But its a good thing it took 2 years

"Where do u think I got all of this blog material from"


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

must be the weather

It was a beautiful day and
Alex was in a great mood for Lax practice Monday ...he even voiced that he was anxious for football to start...his supposedly sore leg didn't hurt anymore..He was high fiving all of his teammates...his mood was so good I treated him to ice cream after practice..."Grandpa how is it u usually get your malt?"
Chocolate with extra chocolate syrup why do ask?"
"thats how I want mine"

..see what I mean..

Must be the weather


Sunday, May 2, 2010

Sunday Lax game Lakota 6 Milford 3

It was a rainy muddy mess at the game...Alex as you guys know had not practiced all week....and it showed. If "practice makes perfect then no practice makes pitiful"
It showed even before the game because he complained all the way about playing in the rain, He forgot one of his hand pads, He was not wearing a cup, he also did not have a mouthpiece (He was not allowed to play without a mouth piece the game was stopped and the refs made him get off the field) He later returned after one of the other players gave him a spare mouth piece. during the game he hardly ran at all and later limped off saying that his leg was hurt from the previous day.
I lectured him after the game all the way home about the same ole stuff...not missing practice, staying in shape, the importance of team work, etc.

I get tired of hearing it myself...
Hes at a fork in the road..."sports or hangin out at home doin nothing"

He knows clearly where I stand, His mom doesn't seem to really care. and hes a 11 year old kid that thinks he has a clue

He has no clue

the saga continues....Monday Lax practice at 5

We only have 2 more games and then the season is done...lets hope he can make it


Saturday, May 1, 2010

57 and Holding

Yesterday had all the makings of a great day..Guess what the highlight was out of my daily events?

1. spending time with Alex at his school supporting his popcorn business

2. treated to a dinner by my 2 favorite girls at "Pappadeaux Restaurant"

( KK tried and liked fried alligator)

3. Rave movie "Death at a funeral" also with my 2 fav's

( movie was so funny KK and Terri laughed out loud more than once and some unknown person laughed so hard they accidentally was hilarious

4.drinks and dancing with Terri ...she was home by KK was promised

5.Gabbi doing a sleepover so that KK and Terri could sleep in Sat

Well did u guess what my highlight was..................................................................................

It was #2 KK eating alligator......"finally she tries something other than Longhorn steaks"

Don't get me wrong drinks and dancing with Terri was a close 2nd or maybe it was the anonymous stranger's laughing fart in the movie

"Doesn't matter it was a great birthday"

57 and holding

PS no Sat Lax practiced due to rain but Alex was ready regardless