Saturday, April 17, 2010

Alex back in Lacrosse "TO MY SURPRISE"

...Alex is back playing Lacrosse again.
Last week his coach sent out an email requesting that certain players play in an upcoming tournament...Alex's name was on this list..( AGAIN TO MY SURPRISE)
These were advance players that he wanted .....they were ones that he considered the best on the squad.

Alex had not practice for 2 weeks today Saturday we had a game
I picked him up at 9AM ...He was dressed and ready even after he had a sleepover the nite before due to his birthday..
We went to the field only to find out that his game wasn't until 12 we defaulted to Crackerbarrel for some breakfast and a candy bubblegum sucker
We returned to play the game at 12 noon....Alex warmed up and was welcomed back by a few teammates and coaches
The game starts........Alex gets in and scores the very first goal..."incredible shot" AlSO TO MY SURPRISE
A few plays later he is out sitting on the bench holding his tummy..He walks over to me on the sideline and says that his tummy is killing him he needs to poop!
The coach has excused him to go do his business...we rush to the car and rush to his house...He runs in,sits on the toilet and I depart.

I call later and hes fine...we simply did not allow enough digestion time after breakfast...Next game is Sunday at 4PM

OK blog followers this cant be a good thing when he says" Grandpa I missed 2 weeks of practice and still scored and I could've scored again if my tummy wasnt hurting"
I simply ignored this comment....
Im searching for the wisdom to respond...

Got it......" Confidence is a good thing and just maybe...he's gifted in Lacrosse"


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